Welcome To BCNM!



BCNM is all about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFTs, Mixed Realities, and The Metaverse. Believe it or not, the future of technology is all about BCNM. This site is your one-stop hub for all the knowledge required to get a grip on these advanced concepts.


The “future of ERP” will be disrupted by decentralized databases of information. Be it public or private, blockchains will be widely used by both enterprises & SMEs to empower the way we transact.

Smart Contracts

The “future of commerce & trading” will be governed by smart contracts & open ledgers. You & I will be dealing directly without the middleman.


Doesn’t matter if you like it or not, the “future of payment systems” is all about decentralized currencies & exchanges. Imagine each bank having its own currencies or even Amazon having its own money reserves.

Non-fungible Tokens

The “future of creator economy” is all about own identity, influence and impact. NFTs will be everywhere. You & I will have our own NFT libraries soon.

The Metaverse:

The “future of social networks” is the Metaverse. This space will cover it in depth

Mixed Realities

The “future of form-factors” is Mixed Reality. Forget about VR or AR, with 5G, get ready for the next MR revolution.